April 08, 2009

2009 Prisces Birthday

Is time to fresh up my blog! But let me have some warm up first
Well, start from 1st March. Yes, that is my birthday!
Received wishes from buddies during the midnight. Muackiez to all

The next day I went for a date with Sis Patz, at Vivocity. She 抱養我 for the day! Haha, is she treat me for movie and dinner la. Thanks to Sis Patz . We watched 'He's just not that into you'. 比我想象中好看, 而且有同感 (點頭). Then we ate dinner at Sushi Tei. And sis told me how her gang flirt the sweetboy working there. I was like ROFL.
Stay tune for coming up post!