It goes back in the third century of the Roman Empire during the rule of Emperor Claudius II, known as Claudius the Cruel. Claudius had involved Rome in a bunch of bloody and unpopular military campaigns. For that reason, Claudius was having trouble recruiting soldiers into the army as they didn’t want to go out and get slaughtered for this fool. Believed that single men made potential soldiers, Claudius forced all designated age range of young men to join the army and banned all engagements and marriages. Enter a Christian Priest named Father Valentine stepped in to defend love. Only God could decide who is married and who isn’t, Father Valentine would secretly perform marriages for young lovers that came to him. Unfortunately, Valentine’s actions were soon discovered. Claudius tossed Valentine in prison and beheaded on February 14, 270 C.E. Valentine was then buried at Santa Prassede of Rome and became Saint Valentine. Hence, every year of February 14 will be Valentine’s Day in honor of his sacrifice for the people’s right to fall in love and get married.
Happy Valentine's Day for lovely couples!

Why am I posting this?...
Because I'm too free on this Valentine's Day...Orz
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